Friday, December 11, 2009

ELA Homework #57

I think High School will be different from middle school because it will be harder and funner because in High school you are looking for a college or a college is looking for you.It will be harder because the work is harder and you have to go extremly hard to get into a good college.I do think Middle school will prepare me because if you dont understand the middle school you wont understand the work in high school so you owuld have to learn and understand the middle school work again so that middle school is so important.What I want to know about High school is how do you get credits and I also want to know how and when you can take AP classes that is all I want to know.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

chapter 2 Quiz

1. Larry Dunn was the most popular kid in clear elementary because he was a lot older and twice as strong as the rest of them.[p.20]

3.For Kenny,there were some advantages to having a older brother who was a god-he got teased less about his eye and being smart than he would have.[p.20-21]

5.Demonstratting his reading ability to other classes did not make Kenny one of the popular student at Clark.[P.23]

8.Kenny suspected that Byron was proud of him.[p.25]

13.In Byorn's absence, kenny felt unsafe from the bullies when he got on the bus.[p.27]

14. The bus driver never waits for late students when he saw them running to catch the bus.[p.28]

17. The two new kids were raggedy,skinny, and he was smiling at everybody.[p.29]